Sunday, October 14, 2012

An update: How to see the sun rise in your life

(This post is the second in the 'Rising Early series'. You may want to begin reading from the first post and then move on to the third post. )

Now that I am a week into cultivating this long-cherished habit of waking up early in the morning, I have a few observations to share. For those of you who began your own efforts towards ‘waking up early’ or any other habit that you might want to see blossom ion your life, I think this would be particularly helpful. In the past one week, I have failed just once to rise at 6:00am. I think I have understood why that happened and will share it at an appropriate moment. There are certain patterns that our bodies follow and I am beginning to see it in close proximity like the time one begins to feel sleepy for the first time during the course of an evening, the amount of sleep that an individual requires (it might differ for individuals) and the sleep-waking pattern amongst a few more.

Having completed a week let me share three things that I seem to be doing right. They are:
1. Sleeping on time, no matter what
The most important things for me seem to have cropped up just close to bedtime and looking back I see that they certainly could wait until the following morning.
2. Have dinner at least two hours prior to bedtime.
Going to bed after a feast certainly is troublesome! A gap of two hours seems sufficient for the abdominal activity to settle enough to not interfere with one’s ability to sleep well.
3. Sticking to my commitment
Seems so obvious but having dined and slept on time, one still needs to wake up on time!
It certainly is a good idea to implement a good idea, isn’t it? :)

Having shared these three points, I hope they help you to understand your own patterns and evolve out of them. I know this may seem increasingly painful and difficult to begin with but the fruits of perseverance and commitment shall be sweet!
All the very best to you!


  1. I love it :)

    There are certain instances when science is too complex, and simple human observation is sufficient. I find this to be one of those times.

    I find most interesting your idea of eating 2 hours before bed. I can see the utility of this idea in respect to your goal. Most people don't acknowledge the subtle but tangible link between eating and sleep, and you have found a schedule that integrates both.

    This is great Pankaj! I can't wait to hear more about this!

  2. Ian, these are certainly baby steps that I am taking right now.
    Certainly, I am experiencing the joys of beginning the day early more than ever!
    Thanks for the encouragement! :)


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